🎉🎊 ~ We Are Now Celebrating Our 300th MomShine Success Story! ~ 🎉🎊

Client Success

Hear About Our Client's Success From Their Parents!

A Mom shares how MomShine changed her daughters case, AND her life.

A Dad shares how MomShine changed his daughters case, AND her life.

What Dozens Of Moms Say:

100+ Client Success Stories, Kind Words, & Case Studies

Keep Going, Keep Growing, & Keep Glowing!

Our Newest Inspirational Video:

“Got full custody of my kids, thanks MomShine!” ~ K

“If I knew about MomShine earlier, I could've saved tens of thousands of dollars." ~ M

“My ex has completely left us alone, I can’t believe how well your program worked.” ~ S

“I’ve been looking for this kind of help for years, finally someone offers this.” ~ J

“He’s finally paying me 4 years worth of owed child support, your program has paid for itself multiple times over. Amazing return on investment!” ~ M

“SOLE DECISION RIGHTS! Now I can finally choose what’s best for my kids.” ~ T

”No one else was able to help me except you guys!" ~ J

“How often do I hear from my ex now? I don’t anymore!” ~ C

“After 1.5 years of battling, MomShine’s guidance helped me get primary custody of my kids, and I get to keep the house! SO HAPPY” ~ R

“Thank you, Dr. Mandi! I learned more from 2 hours of training than I did from 3 years with several different attorneys! I now have a plan to end this divorce!! ~ L

“Finally, I have an exit strategy that also brings me peace for myself & my kids.” ~ A

"I wish I could pay you millions for everything you have done for me already, and I'm so excited for what the next 6 months will bring for not only me, but all the ladies you are helping."

From a New client,

(after 1 week of working with us)

Today's Featured Success Story

What Previous Clients Said About MomShine

"It helps to have someone help with everything. Someone in MomShine can look at my stuff and see what's really important here. Everything has been so helpful, because when I get overwhelmed, I really don't feel like doing anything." ~ B.

"Hi Mandi! Thank you so much, seriously. I was SO needing to figure this out, how to move forward and onward, and, while this has been a gut wrenching time, I know that I will get through it with MomShine, and I'm actually looking forward to the future now that I have control of the situation!" ~ A.

“Hi Amber ! I just watched a few of your videos from the MomShine Library and they were so helpful !!! Thank you so much for that. I'm finding peace, as I feel like I am finally starting to get through the fog of all the trauma. This program is showing me how to finally create an exit strategy and that brings me peace.” ~ A.

"Thanks again for sharing Dr. Patrick's special class with the group: I thought it was fabulous for everyone, and I was surprised how comfortable all the women were since we all have different backgrounds." ~ C.

"Thank you for being an inspiration to me on my mothering journey, especially from your consistent, weekly virtual classes. So grateful to have you in my life, and in my corner!" ~ R.

"Your perspective today was so helpful: after our conversation, I felt my warrior again. Thank you for showing me how to awaken her again, so I can stand up for myself now." ~ C.

"I thought I was all by myself, I didn’t realize so many other moms had this same issue!" ~ D.

"I need this, and I need it now. I have been doing this for a long time and have been saying that there needs to be something like this out there. No one else seems to be able to help." ~ J.

"Thank you again so much, I'm so glad I found you! The world seriously works in mysterious ways!" ~ C. 

"Honestly, going through his process, I don't know what I would've done without MomShine. You are somebody that has helped me so much. Just knowing you were on my side, and checking in on me has made all the difference." ~ E.

"Thank you for the rituals. I'm just finally starting it this week and its been amazing, just a few minutes each night before bed and in the morning is huge and helpful. I have much more confidence, and clarity, and energy, and it's been really good, so thank you."

"Mandi, thank you so much for all that you do! Gosh, I don't even know what I would do without you right now. You are my saving grace." ~ L.

"One of my biggest recent breakthroughs from working with MomShine, was realizing that everything that I've been doing up until now wasn't making him any nicer to me. Now I understand why, and you've all helped me change his behavior towards me AND my kids. Now I feel respected!" ~ T.

"I've enjoyed this process, thank you so so much, I felt it was even more useful doing this in a group setting with other women along the journey." ~ A.

"Once I started this process, I was like, wow this really works."

"Thank you for talking it out with me today, I really do appreciate it. And, thank you for keeping me in your thoughts, and thank you for your energy and encouragement. It's been worth sooo much to me." ~ C.

"If only I would've known about MomShine earlier, I could've saved tens of thousands of dollars from the mistakes that I could've avoided." ~ M.

"Thank you for all your help to get me to this point. You have no idea how much I've appreciated all your help all this time working with MomShine!" ~ G.

"Thank you so muc!!! I’ve listened to all your recordings on MomShine today. You are amazing!!! The amount of knowledge you have blows my mind! Keeping a big picture, not getting caught up in the moment and doing your strategies makes so much sense. I agree with you on every aspect. ~ K.

"It's a really difficult road when you do it on your own. But the fact that you're here is amazing. I mean, had I had this three years ago, I wouldn't be in this sinking Titanic that I'm in right now. Had I had somebody saying, 'say this to stop him in his track' as opposed to engaging. I would've been able to look like cool, calm, and collected when I was presenting myself."

"I'm doing good. I don't really have any [questions today], my ex doesn't email me anymore since you've helped me respond to him, which is wonderful!"

"My ex-husband just decided to drop all his paperwork, just withdraw everything. We were ready to start a full fledged custody battle. Our trial was supposed to start today and he withdrew his papers!"

"My MomShine membership has been going so well! Ever since I’ve entered your program, I just feel so much better about myself, feel more centered, and the proof is in the pudding: How often do I hear from my ex now? I don’t anymore!”

"If I did not have this group, I really cannot imagine surviving this right now. It's really helped. I've really come a long way. I don't know how, if I was, back in January, where I was, in that state of mind... I may have gone back to him."

"What you're doing is helping in a very concrete and measurable way. My doctor even said "please let me know what I can do, I will write letters, testify, anything." He is the first medical doctor that I've been able to get to testify, which makes me feel really good. Thank you for what you're doing."

"I felt like nobody understood his harassment and all his behaviors had escalated at that point. Obviously, at first I was like, oh my gosh, did I just sign up for a scam? The final straw was my ex was calling me, like blowing up my phone and I just wanted him to stop. And like I said, his behaviors had just escalated like really bad and I was like, all right, I'm in. You do have an amazing team, like the coaches are all awesome. All amazing. Thank you for putting this program together and helping us mama's out."

When asked "Why should moms go through the training in the support library?"

"This is healing! This is all making sense! I hope everybody that gets in the program understands the importance of "understanding the process" it goes back to: doing the legal stuff is great but if you're only dedicated to that side, they're not going to heal, they'll just be this worked-up person all the time, and that's not going to help. Learning these things, it's like, you're probably making half of these mistakes even if you don't think you are."

When asked "What would you say to someone who says I don't have time to do a program?"

"That's perfect because I'm one of those! I did them while driving to work: I had a 30 minute commute. And what's crazy is, I would be SO into the videos that I wouldn't want to go into work: I would want to finish the video. They're really good videos. And short videos are perfect for somebody that doesn't have time."

Screenshots Of What Clients Said About MomShine

In MomShine: We Celebrate ALL Your Wins Here (Big and Small)

Next Steps:

Disclaimer: MomShine Collective is a personal development, empowerment, and education company. All of MomShine Collective’s 300+ success stories, kind words, wins, and thank you letters are from paid members that purchased our life coaching and education programs which are taught by hand-selected, independent experts, coaches, and consultants. MomShine Collective is not a lawfirm and does not offer or provide any licensed or professional services, legal services, financial services, medical services, nutrition services, or therapy services.

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