🎉🎊 ~ We Are Now Celebrating Our 300th MomShine Success Story! ~ 🎉🎊

Expert Bios

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Case Strategist

Communication Expert

Court Prep & Custody Consultant

Exit Strategy & Child Support

Emotional Empowerment

Personal & Family Finance

Freedom Strategist

Financial Independence Consultant

Parenting Expert

Wellness & Body Recovery

We Are A 44-Strong Team of Advocates, Strategists, Supporters, & SuperHumans!

All of our experts specialize in narcissism, sociopathic behavior, difficult divorces, and child custody situations.

In Addition: Every expert also has either successfully divorced one of these types of men, finished a custody battle with one of them, or grew up with their parent being one of these types of people.


Administrative Team

The Story of MomShine In 3 Minutes:

"How Our Expert Team Evolved From 1 to 10"

Dr. Mandi (Founder) Speaking At The Royal Society of Medicine

Case Strategist

Family Court Advocate & Former Attorney

MomShine’s Case Strategy Expert, is a lawyer of 22 years and a High-Conflict Divorce & Custody Specialist. She helps MomShine’s clients understand the lay of the land in their family law case and assists them with sifting through the facts and options to discuss with their attorneys. She helps our clients organize and get control of their case, manage their attorney-client relationship, and employ best practices while interacting with their ex-spouse, third party professionals and the court.

She helps our clients with:

- Navigating the Legal System to Get Far More of What You Want Utilizing Proven Strategies That Work Best With Narcissists and Difficult Cases.

- Preparation & Controlling Your Case, especially when you're concerned that your attorney might be letting you down.

- Building & Communicating Your Case Extremely Effectively to the point that the judge is actually impressed and starts winning over the judge to your side.

- How to find the best attorney for Your case, and how to guide them.

- Mastering Documentation: How to document only what you actually need, and how to organize it in a compelling, convincing way to help you win more of what you want

- How to craft what we call a "narc-proof" MSA or Parenting Plan so you don't need to go back to court every year for the next 10 years patching up all the holes he keeps finding and all the rules he keeps bending, which will prevent you from investing thousands of dollars each year editing that plan.

- How to Present in Court to easily allow the judge to see who is telling the truth, and who is the more suitable parent.

- Plus a lot more.

Questions our clients have asked her:

- What is the difference between Arbitration vs. Mediation and which should I use when dealing with a narcissist?

- I'm concerned my ex is going to sabotage me in court, how do I best prepare for my upcoming court hearing?

- How do I fire my attorney properly, how might that affect my case, and what are the rules that I need to keep in mind?

- What is a deposition, and how do I best prepare for that?

- What is the difference between a GAL and a parenting coordinator? When would I use either? How might a narcissist sabotage this, and what can I do to prevent that?

- What do I do about him violating parenting time? How do I handle his attempts at parental alienation, and/or his attempts to make it look like I'm the one doing it?

- I keep hearing about different things I can file, motions, and other court-related language that I've never heard of before. What's difference between them all, and how do these motions fail? Do you think I have a chance at this motion working, or should I try something else?

- I'm thinking about filing a restraining order but I've heard a lot of mixed reviews, what works for narcissists and how/when would you decide to file one? When is a bad time to do that, and when is a good time?

- My ex is filing a motion that I don't quite understand, what can I do about it to prevent this, or to be prepared?

- If a third party intervenes to make decisions for our kids, how can I argue against the claims that my ex is making on me?

- My ex is threatening that if I don't do _____, he will ____. Is that even a real thing? If so, what are my options?

- What if there is a petition by my ex’s attorney to throw out evidence? What happens if my evidence doesn't hold up, what are my options and is there anything I can do? How do narcissists get out of

- What do I do if my ex tries to get me all wound up before or during court? How do you recommend I act to best my chances at getting the best possible outcome?

- (And the list goes on. We know you'll have probably 50 important questions related to your case strategy, and wouldn't it be nice to not have to be billed for every question, and instead just be able to ask your questions freely?)

Kind Words From Clients:

"Thank you for all your support along the way. You have taught me to stay out of fear and be strong!" ~ Client

"LOVE YOU! Thank you for being so vulnerable!" ~ Client

"You are an amazing inspiring queen! Thank you for all your help with case strategy and the assistance with my parenting plan. Thanks to you, I was prepared and got what I wanted!" ~ Client

"You were my first expert connection with MomShine and immediately put my mind at ease! I loved hearing your dating story on today's retreat, too! Thank you for all you’re doing!" ~ Client

"We love you so much! You always give us so much of yourself and help us figure out our absolute best options and solutions for our situations. I love how strong and confident you are, and it is contagious!" ~ Client

"She is amazing and a wealth of knowledge!" ~ Client

"Your experience and expertise is amazing! Thank you for your support. Keep shining!" ~ Client

"You are an anchor that helps put logical, smart steps in place for difficult situations. I love your brain, your soul, and your beauty!" ~ Client

"I now have the confidence and knowledge to go pro se. I had to go pro se because I found MomShine wayyyy too late in the game!" ~ Client

Contentious Divorce Communication Expert

Therapist & Certified Life Coach

MomShine’s Communication Expert, is a certified life coach and a licensed therapist of 10 years. She is passionate about helping women move through their divorce process with as little chaos, and as much dignity and grace, as possible so they can go on to live their best lives. She helps MomShine clients by reviewing how they are communicating with their ex as well as offers communication strategy for court officials and other appointed professionals, to help put your case in the best light possible. She helps our clients discern if a message warrants a response, and if it does, how best to do so. She teaches our clients the importance of getting in the right mindset, boundary setting, tone, and brevity when crafting responses to their ex.

She helps our clients with:

- How to use written communication to disarm your ex's toolbox of weapons so you can start making progress with restoring your power and getting him to respect you more.

- How to make requests and hold him more accountable without escalating the situation so much.

- Using strategic communication to systematically break free from his Control.

- The "Rules of Engagement" -- Communicating with a narcissist: How to communicate with someone who is illogical, difficult, and always seeking conflict.

- Tools to use when chaos strikes, and ways to speak to your kids about all of this

- Why the grey rock method doesn't work, and what we do instead that works on the modern narcissist.

Questions our clients have asked her:

- My ex sent me this text, what should I say back to de-escalate the situation but still keep the power on my side?

- How do I tell my ex that he's not following the court orders in a way that doesn't cause him to retaliate, but still gets him to be compliant?

- How do I get away from having to send all of my communication with my ex through my attorney, its getting really expensive?

- My ex keeps requesting schedule changes and it's making it hard for me to also coordinate my own life, work, and obligations, what should I do?

- How can I keep him from affecting my day-by-day life so much?

- My ex demands me to reply right away and threatens me if I don't, what do you recommend I do?

- I'm having trouble writing a very serious email to my ex, can you give me some pointers?

Kind Words From Clients:

"She is a rockstar communication goddess!" ~ Client

"I absolutely love how you help me put my brakes on before I email something. I love you." ~ Client

"Thank you for always checking in with me to help me engage with MomShine I appreciate you never forgetting about me, even when I felt so small or invisible." ~ Client

"She is the BOMB with a capital "B." ~ Client

"I would have never gotten to my next level of growth without you! You are so strong, loving and supportive! You make yourself available and get back to us so fast so we can stay on top of our messages and Exs. The support gave me was tremendous!" ~ Client

"You have been a tremendous support. My communication style has changed, and now I know how to take the high road." ~ Client

Court Prep Expert & Custody Evaluation Expert

Family Court Custody Evaluator & Therapist

MomShine's Custody Evaluation Consultant & Court Preparation Expert, has over 30 years experience working within the mental health component of family law. During this time she’s conducted child custody evaluations, brief focused assessments, recommending mediations, co-parenting therapy, reunification therapy, parent coordination and individual psychotherapy to adults and teens. She has expertise in child development (including but not limited to infants and toddlers), domestic violence, high conflict divorce, and move-away evaluations. She has experience providing mediation and co-parenting therapy with same-sex parents as well as treating adults and adolescents who have experienced sexual abuse, and other types of trauma. In her psychotherapy practice she works with adults and couples using TEAM therapy, a specialized type of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy developed by David Burns, MD, in the relief of symptoms and discontent related to depression, low-self-esteem, anxiety, worry, stress, relationship issues, and trauma. She often works with parents who are struggling with depression following the dissolution of their relationship.

She helps our clients with:

- Preparing for mediation and court hearings with a narcissist,

- Understanding custody evaluators better, and the pros and cons of working with them, and how things can go wrong

- Expertise in how children are affected by divorce, the court system, and how you can best protect your kids through this journey.

- How narcissists and divorces can negatively influence your children's development and how to best prevent those expensive problems.

- Understanding parenting coordinators, how they can help you, and how they can cause you even more problems, and how narcissists can manipulate things so that you have better ideas with how to navigate this.

Questions our clients have asked her:

- I am going to child custody mediation or evaluation, how do I best prepare?

- I want to ask the court to move away with my children, how do I handle that?

- My ex wants to move away with my kids, how do I navigate this?

- My children are refusing to see their dad and its making me look really bad, how do I best handle that?

- My children's father is saying negative things about me to our children, what should I do?

- How do I prepare to testify in a deposition or at a hearing?

Kind Words From Clients:

"She is a genius and so very helpful!" ~ Client

"You are a rockstar. Thank you for the one on one attention and help with my parenting plan!" ~ Client

"I always look forward to your classes. Thanks you for your wealth of knowledge!" ~ Client

Empowerment Expert

Specializes in Helping Our Moms Present Well In Court

MomShine’s Emotional Healing and Empowerment Expert, has extensive training in trauma recovery and has supported women in their healing journeys for over 5 years. She helps our clients break free from anxiety, brain fog, fear, overwhelm, scarcity and trauma. She is most passionate about supporting women in breaking free from their limiting beliefs and empowering them to live an authentic, peaceful, joy filled life.

She helps our clients with:

- Creating a castle around their personal life.

- How to best reclaim your power day-by-day when you're up against a manipulative, controlling personality -- in and outside of the court system.

- How to best protect yourself from the nasty communication your ex continues to send you.

- 4 proven steps to escape what we call "The Narcissists Control Trap"

- How to transform doubt, fear, nervousness, and concern into pure confidence, so that you can push ahead with conviction and never want to give up.

- How to protect your energy, stamina, and resilience before and during mediations and court hearings so that you can stay sharp, prepared, and ready to state your case in a compelling way, to win, instead of being drained, triggered, or bogged down right before you

have to present your case.

- Strategies for instantly removing chronic nervousness, and how to best prevent your ex from being able to trigger you in and outside of all of your upcoming court hearings.

- Mastering empowerment: Proven ways to create a deeper connection with your power and focus, plus strategies to teach your kids to help their resilience as well.

Questions our clients have asked her:

- My ex triggered me today and I lost my positive attitude again: How can I get back in the game? I've been so defeated lately.

- Before finding MomShine, I got blindsided in court and now Im trying to cope with the defeat, how do I build myself up again and where do I go from here?

- How do I feel better during such a frustrating time of my life? How do I rebuild my confidence, my mood, and my clarity?

- What is the best way to manage all these emotions that my ex is making me feel?

- How can I stop my ex from getting in my head?

Kind Words From Clients:

"She helped me before court. Also: Listening to her talk on "being a light" and her talk on self-forgiveness. My experience in court did not contain fear because of you!" ~ Client

"She brings peace and pure love!" ~ Client

"You are absolutely amazing, your meditation and kind words help me stop my brain at night. Love you!" ~ Client

"You are the most compassionate person I’ve ever met. Your beauty, grace, and compassion shine through! It is amazing how you can maintain being such a loving individual while still being so strong and powerful! You have helped me so much by spiritually guiding me back to where I need to be. After working with you, I was on my way to healing! Thank you so much! I love you!" ~ Client

"Before working with you, I felt like I could not get past my anger. I now can! You keep me grounded and bring me back to my heart center and teach me how to not get caught up in the drama, and how to stay grounded to my truth. Truth is important to me. You see me, and that helps beyond infinity. Navigating my situation in a healthy way is what you’ve taught me." ~ Client

"Thanks you! I feel love and compassion for myself!!" ~ Client

"The trauma healing has been super valuable. So when I’m ready for another relationship I won’t repeat another pattern of abuse. And, the help with planning my future. Thank you for building up other women through this process. I wish I knew then what I know now!" ~ Client

Personal & Family Finance Expert

Award-Winning Financial Planner,

Certified Divorce Financial Analyst

MomShine's Personal Finance Expert, is an award-winning financial planner, best-selling author, and sought after speaker on recovering from financial abuse. With more than 15 years of experience in financial planning and investment management and nearly 10 years experience as a mediator, she holds designations as a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA) and an Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC). She helps MomShine clients understand their financial situation, prepare for settlement negotiations, avoid costly financial mistakes, and plan for their financial future.

She helps our clients with:

- Avoiding Costly Mistakes When Dividing Retirement Assets in a Divorce

- What You Need to Know About Life Insurance & Divorce

- Ending “Survival Mode” Money Mindset

- Protecting your Credit

- Protecting Your and Your Child’s Assets

- Preparing Financially for a Divorce

- Factors that Impact Child Support Calculations

- Tax Considerations for Parenting Plans

Questions our clients have asked her:

- Should I Keep My House in this Divorce?

- What is worth fighting for?

- What is separate property?

- What should I know if I am considering refinancing?

- How can I prepare to discuss finances in mediation?

- How can I stop living paycheck to paycheck?

- How does debt get divided in divorce?

- When do I know if I should subpoena documents?

- How do some husbands get away with hiding assets?

Kind Words From Clients:

"She is a doll and also a financial genius!" ~ Client

"I love your class. I appreciate all of your knowledge and help. I know I’ll need you soon, so I’m so thankful that you're here!" ~ Client

"I have so much love and respect for you. I religiously attend your class. You are a financial genius!" ~ Client

"You are an encyclopedia of financial knowledge. Thank you for your wealth of knowledge and expertise in finances." ~ Client

"You are so kind. I love your intelligence, your passion, your commitment. Thank you for you. Hugs and love." ~ Client

"As always, you are amazing!" ~ Client

"I want to be a money manifesting queen now lol" ~ Client

Dr. Mandi (DACM LAc)

Our Founder & Freedom Strategist

Divorce-Strategy Consultant,

International Award-Winning Speaker

Even before starting our Collective, Founder and Freedom Strategist Dr. Mandi's lifelong passion has been empowering moms and creating better lives for the next generation of our children! After building her holistic pediatric & family medicine clinic in San Diego and becoming one of the highest-paid practitioners in her profession, she found another passion for helping moms break-free!

Despite years of fighting her own high-conflict divorce and paying close to $150,000 in attorney fees alone, she developed a system along with a team of hand-picked specialists that help other moms save tens of thousands of dollars on their case.

Dr. Mandi now runs the highest-level mastermind and consulting program in the world for moms who are escaping from/divorcing/battling narcissistic, sociopathic, and/or abusive exes.

Dr. Mandi's Recent Awards:

~ The "Family Protector" Award

~ The "Divorce Doctor" Award

~ The "Justice For Kids" Award

~ The "Mom-Preneur Award"

~ The "Outstanding Psychological Speaker Award"

Kind Words From Clients:

"Mandi, you are a powerful being and grateful that you created MomShine!" ~ Client

"You are a wonderful human! I love you!" ~ Client

"Dr. Mandi, you have done an AMAZING job picking an All-Star team!" ~Client

"Mandi, you are everything!!! Thank you so much!!! Words can’t explain how grateful I am for you and momshine!!!" ~ Client

"Thank you for selflessly supporting your vision and creating something to support those of us who thought we were alone!" ~ Client

"Mandi, thank you for your vision and helpful selfless heart. You are amazing!" ~ Client

"Mandi, I have so much gratitude, love and respect for you. Thank you for inspiring all of us and creating MomShine to empower all of us to be better for ourselves and our children!" ~ Client

"Mandi: it takes a lot of strength to pull from the trenches a positive, encouraging, loving, supportive environment... and guess what? You have! Lots of love to you & your son for putting your heart and soul into this wonderful community. I appreciate you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart." ~ Client

"Thank you Mandi so much for the vision, drive and passion to help us! We love you so much!" ~ Client

"Thank you for organizing an amazing retreat!!" ~ Client

"Thanks for sharing your story!! We are all so connected and similar. Thanks Mandi to helping all of us!" ~ Client

Career Development Expert

Specializing In Women's Financial Independence

MomShine’s Career Development Expert, has consulted around the world for 20+ years at executive levels and is certified in the Amazing Career™ methodology designed to “help women dig deep, discover their true work, and illuminate the world with it.” She helps moms across the career spectrum from: Choosing and starting a fulfilling new career, re-entering the workforce after a break, negotiating for what they want, and recharging their professional self-confidence to successfully navigate the next chapter of their work life.

She helps our clients with:

- Figuring Out What You Want to Do (Career Self Assessment)

- Creating A Great Resume

- Aligning Work with Your Values

- Crafting a Narrative for interviews, networking, & marketing

- Becoming More Authentic In Life And Work

Questions our clients have asked her:

- I've been a stay home mom for 5+ years now, I don't even know where to begin looking for a job, what would I put on my resume?

- I'm considering a career transition, but unclear about my next steps?

- I feel really unhappy in my current role, how do I find or create more passion in my career?

Kind Words From Clients:

"She has a heart of gold! I adore her!" ~ Client

"You truly inspire women with your teachings, so grateful for you!" ~ Client

"Thank you for your knowledge and expertise in helping us move on with our lives wisely and in choosing a fulfilling career pathway!" ~ Client

"I’ve had so much fun in your classes. You are a bubbly light and I love being in your class. Your class is beautiful bc it reminds me that I don’t have to conform to the corporate world and I can be happy AND have a job that I love, too! Thank you for all of your love and knowledge!" ~ Client

Parenting Expert

Parenting Strategist Specializing in Mom Empowerment

MomShine's Parenting & Co-Parenting Expert, has empowered hundreds of moms through teaching and modeling her parenting philosophies and styles. She helps MomShine Clients enjoy a more calm, peaceful home by helping moms implement positive parenting, peaceful, mindful and conscious parenting styles. She helps our clients better understand their children's emotions and provides guidance and tools to support their emotional regulation.

She helps our clients with:

- Stress, Burnout & Life Hacks to Come into Relaxation

-How to Support Your Strong Willed Child

- Avoiding Power Struggles

- Understanding Anxiety

- Emotional Regulation For You and Your Children

- Various Parenting Styles (Positive Parenting, Mindful Parenting, Conscious Parenting, Peaceful Parenting)

- Consistency As A Parent

Questions our clients have asked her:

- What do you do to help hold it all together for your children and also show them emotions are healthy?

- What happens when your child is experiencing big emotions and you are running on fumes yourself?

- What if every emotion turns to anger, how do you get to the root of the emotion and help your child?

- How do I help my child feel loved when their parents no longer "Love" one another?

- How do I help/talk to my child about their anger?

- What would you suggest to help moms that are feeling uncertain about their parenting?

Kind Words From Clients:

"All I have to say about her is that I have mad love and appreciation for her!" ~ Client

"You are such a beautiful person and mom! I love all the advice about how to help our kiddos! We need you so much and I am so thankful for you and your class!!!" ~ Client

"Oh my gosh, love you. Thank you from me and my kids! Your genuine love and commitment to us, your wisdom, compassion, and reminders that their “little brains" think differently. Can’t say enough." ~ Client

"You are truly inspiring and a beautiful mom and person. Thanks for helping me navigate parenting!" ~ Client

"Your child play advice has been great in helping me help my 3-year-old who can be very challenging when he comes back from his dad. Thank you for emailing me the additional resources. Love you, sending positive energy!" ~ Client

Wellness, Movement, & Body Recovery Expert

Women's Wellness & Empowerment Expert

MomShine's Movement Healing Expert, utilizes kundalini yoga, various pranayama’s, SRI Breath work, mind mastery work, transformational Breath work, tapping and more in her classes. By utilizing these tools, she helps our clients create a deeper body/mind connection and awareness, retrain their nervous system, relieve stress and anxiety to ultimately create more clarity and calmness in their minds and in their lives.

She helps our clients with:

- Mind Mastery Work

- Anxiety

- Stress Relief

- Deeper Mind/Body Connection

- Moving Emotions/Energy through and out the body

- Deeper level of Self Awareness

Questions our clients have asked her:

- In the moment of a trigger, how do you do discrete breathing or pausing before answering questions?

- Are any specific breath exercises to release anger/grief/frustration/overwhelm after a big event?

- I can't seem to quiet my mind anymore it alway seems to be racing, what do you recommend I do?

Kind Words From Clients:

"Attending your classes has made me a better person. You are amazing, thanks for all the holistic healing work you do!" ~ Client

"You are warm and kind. I appreciate your fierce strength and wisdom!" ~ Client

"You and your class are absolutely amazing!!! I am looking forward to working with you more. Thank you so much for all of your knowledge and expertise! I can tell how much you care and I appreciate it so much!" ~ Client

"She is a breath of fresh air and also so helpful. I look forward to getting more grounded with her!" ~ Client

"Your work is amazing. Life changing! Over time, it has been one of the only tools that has lessened my PTSD issues and my memory restoration. Truly unbelievable!" ~ Client

"I have never done this kind of work, or even heard of it before. Its been life changing. To move that energy, to unpack the baggage, and let it go. Thank you so much!" ~ Client

"ABSOLUTELY had breakthroughs from her work!!! I’ve had breakthroughs emotionally, psychologically, and even physically. It's been an amazing journey and I’m so grateful!!!" ~ Client

"Thank you, your experiences are so relaxing, and you share things that I need to hear!" ~ Client

"Your classes help me a lot!! I hold on to my anger within my body -- and I didn’t even realize that until doing MomShine's program! Amazing feeling." ~ Client

"SO healing! Your classes feel so good." ~ Client

"Special thanks to Jody, Amber, and Liesel. My "rabbit brain" is less reactive!" ~ Client

"I am so thankful for MomShine and every coach that they have. Each one has touched my heart and their beauty and strength are exactly how I would love to raise my daughters to be. Thank you Mandi so much for the vision, drive and passion to help us! We love you so much! I don’t want to even think where I would be without all of you!" ~ Client

"Mandi, Jody, Liesel, Amber, Leah, Govindi, Dr. Rhonda, RaYvn, Kristie, Kelly, Cynthia, Dana, Shanon….they have all been so amazing! I’m so grateful for MomShine. I’m grateful for each and everyone one of you!!! " ~ Client

Thank you for your tremendous support, competence, servants heart and willingness to share and be vulnerable! As a result of you pouring your energy I have become stronger, and more in control of my thoughts (which feed into everything else) anddddddd I feel sooooooo freeeeeeeeeee!!!!! I also can better help my children navigate all that comes with being in this space. Appreciate you!!" ~ Client

"Dr. Mandi, you have done an AMAZING job picking an All-Star team! I love them all!" ~ Client

"Liesel, Govindi, Amber, you are amazing coaches! Loved all your advice and your classes." ~ Client

"Shanon, Govindi, Amber, Cynthia, and Dana are amazing!" ~ Client

"Many thanks to all the wonderful and inspirational experts here. Definitely grateful to have found MomShine and all the great mom's in the program!" ~ Client

"Govindi and Amber are my favs!" ~ Client

"My favorite expert? That's not a fair question lol - they all are!! They are all amazing!" ~ Client

"Grateful for all the experts; they are all amazing. I've been in MomShine for a year and have come a long way. I love Jody, Amber, Govindi, Leah, Liesel, Rhonda, all of them!!! And of course you, Mandi!" ~ Client

Our experts and leadership team have collectively spoken at or been featured on dozens of stages and media outlets, including:

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Our experts and leadership team have collectively spoken at or been featured on dozens of stages and media outlets, including:

Disclaimer: MomShine Collective is a personal development, empowerment, and education company. All of MomShine Collective’s 300+ success stories, kind words, wins, and thank you letters are from paid members that purchased our life coaching and education programs which are taught by hand-selected, independent experts, coaches, and consultants. MomShine Collective is not a lawfirm and does not offer or provide any licensed or professional services, legal services, financial services, medical services, nutrition services, or therapy services.

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Copyright © 2023 | MomShine Collective LLC & Dr. Mandi (DACM LAc) | All Rights Reserved.