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Financial Ideas

FAQ, Before We Dive In:

"Is it ok if I apply to one of these and get declined? What if I don't get approved?"

There's plenty of options to explore. Don't get discouraged if you get declined: declines are normal and do happen. Many of our clients had to try multiple of these in order to find the right option. The universe often tests us to see how committed we are to a new life! Let's make it happen.

"Can I use several of these options to put together a bundle of smaller amounts?"

Yes, people have done that.

"If I get declined by all of these or can't do any of them, do we still have options?"

Sometimes yes, speak to your advisor and tell them why these didn't work, so we can gameplan what might still be an option.

Get Inspired!

We’ll fight just as hard for you, as you’re fighting for yourself, your kids, and your future.

But: we must fight for them. When others give up, we still move forward!

Because: "Winners Find Ways" - Joe Polish

Be relentless about finding your dreams, and they will relentlessly find you.

Because if we don't figure out how to live our dream life: What's really the alternative, here?

Here's All The Ideas:

#1: Home equity loan, secured loan, or secured line of credit on assets.

#2: Savings/Retirement. Some clients just transfer funds, or they've even mailed us a check. If you don't have savings, that's just another reason to escape from the financial drain of divorce faster and protect your assets from this guy's constant chaos. We also often give people a discount/incentive for paying in full, just in case someone pays a fee for withdrawing funds from a retirement account. (It's a small price to pay if it results in you securing your freedom for you and your kids!

#3: Clients have withdrawn funds from their IRA without incurring fees or financial penalties from withdrawing; speak to your financial planner or similar to ask them about yours.

#4: Investment accounts / Withdraw funds from your account with your financial planner: A recent mom told us: "I have money that I gave to my financial planner that isn't doing anything for me, I'm going to call her right now and get the money sent back to me."

#5: Sell properties/assets: We had a client who made a deposit to hold her spot in the program, and then sold one of her properties.

#6: Apply for a New Credit Card: Some clients have gotten 12 to 18 months of 0% APR on a new card. To me, that's like a free loan! Here's where I go: www.CreditCards.com

- Good/Great credit, we recommend looking at:

~~ AmEx Blue Cash card, zero annual fee. 

~~ Discover "It" Card, zero annual fee.

- Okay credit, we recommend looking at:

~~ CapitalOne QuickSilver card.

#7: Apply for a Business Credit Card -- We use the "Chase Business Ink Cash" Card. It can also be registered as just a 'Sole Prop', so people don't even need a separate business name to apply for it. I know people who applied with just their First and Last Name as the name of the business.

~ Want to improve your credit? We recommend this book: It's been super helpful:


#8: Split The Balance Over Several Payment Cards/Methods: Most people have multiple credit cards for when important opportunities come up and they want to create their own payment plan outside of the ones we offer here. Which credit cards do you have? Some clients split the balance over several cards.

#9: Existing Credit Card - Call The Card Company and Ask For "A Temporary Raise In Credit": See if you can call them real quick to increase the limits. Often times they will increase your limit if you just call and ask.

--- "Hi, I wanted to know if I could temporarily increase my available credit limit just for this month, to make a larger one-time purchase?"

~ or ~

--- "Hi, I wanted to know if I were to make a larger purchase than usual, would it would be approved?" (This is usually called checking your Spending Power or Spending Ability on a card. Some cards may let you exceed the existing limit, especially if you ask!

#10: Existing Credit Card - Try processing a credit card anyways: Lacking available credit? Our team collectively has helped enroll hundreds of clients, so we've seen a lot of miracles happen! Sometimes, even though the payment amount would exceed their credit card limit by several thousand dollars, sometimes the transaction still goes through! Ask your advisor to try processing each of your credit cards, just in case it goes through.

#11: Offer to pay interest to a friend or family member, that might loan the money? ( I know someone who asked their grandfather, and he loaned them $5,000, and it worked out perfect. )

--- (The email or TXT could say "Hey ____, I wanted to see if I could pay you interest, in exchange for a loan. If you’re up for discussing ideas, let me know?")

--- Conversation can start with: "Actually things are doing okay, I'm just trying to manage my credit cards and cashflow to make it easier... so I wanted to see if I could pay you interest, in exchange for a loan."

--- (You can also show them that you're investing in something that will increase your income or protect your money) ---

--- "I'm trying to consolidate some Credit Cards, and I figured, if I'm going to pay interest, I’d rather pay it to you! So: if I paid you 10% interest, would you be open to a 12 month, 5k loan? So: I’d pay you a total of $5,500 back, paid over 12 months. I’d round up the amount and make it an even $459. How does that sound?"

--- (Or, you could say you'd borrow $5,000 from them for 12 months, then next year on this EXACT DATE, you'd pay back $5,500 in full (which avoids you having to make monthly payments). Or another example: you could say you'll pay them back over 9 payments. So for 3 months you could propose no payments, and start paying $611 monthly, for 9 payments, starting in 90 days from now. They still make $500 in interest, and you get payments!)

--- "How would you like me to pay those monthly payments to you? (Mail a Check, Venmo, FB Messenger, etc)"

--- "What day of the month should I make payments? Should we start the payback in 30 days, and then on that same day each month going forward? This way I'd send you $XXX on X day of the month, for 12 months straight?"

-- "Obviously I’d put this in writing for us so it's all spelled-out, and we can sign it together." (You can get a free trial of DocuSign.com or SignNow.com if you need it)

--- "Cool, and then what's the best way to send the funds over this way?"

--- (If no go) "Would you be open to a smaller amount?" (If asking for $10,000, try asking for $7,000, then $5,000, or $3,000, or $1,000... because you can try doing this with multiple people.)

#12: People love supporting a friend's good cause, and people love investing in a friend who is Stepping Up in life. (Most of my friends have personally benefited from me hiring a coach for myself. More ideas for them that I get to share with them, and less of me nagging them for help. So we can all grow together.) www.GoFundMe.com allows you to create a campaign where people can donate small amounts. “Need money for taking an online course" or "Need money for hiring a coach" or "Need funds to help me escape my ex and protect my kids rights in court" -- Description like: You all know I've been bugging you all for advice lately trying to get my divorce finished, I found an entire team of experts I want to hire to help me. Even happy to pay you all back, if desired. Happy to share what I learn, with all of you that donate, too." - Many friends are probably excited that you'll stop asking them for emotional support and get it from professionals, so they might donate to help you get that done!

#13: www.Upstart.com - My personal advisor Alex told me there are companies like these that put financing together for people who want to do educational/coaching programs to help better their life, since they realize that people's income often increases when people remove what limits them from progressing in life. You can look these up and see. I've often used credit cards for hiring experts, so please keep in mind, I've not personally used these companies and cannot say much else about them. Just more ideas from my expert circles and associations.

#14: Post divorce? Sell old stuff - One of my personal advisors Mark says the average American owns $10,000 to $30,000 worth of old stuff, like hobby equipment or gifts or unused items, all of which don't help them escape their ex (lol). Can't find things? Look at every shelf in the house, it's all there: None of the items we own are creating the dream lifestyle we want, and much of it is going to get lost in the divorce or be liquidated to pay for attorney fees next year if we don't end this soon, so might as well sell it! And, most things we own often DISTRACT us from doing what we need to do, or they help us cope with life rather than build the dream life. That's why we bought it in the first place, to hide from the pain of things not working. Well, our implementation program is meant to make life less painful, by addressing the reason why we buy things to make us feel better temporarily! These can be sold on www.Craigslist.com or www.eBay.com, or at local thrift shops, pawn shops, or a garage sale. What do you have that can be sold, in order to get on the path towards the life we're going to start building together? (And how bad do you want things to change? Let's prove to the universe and the powers-that-be, that you're ready.)

#15: Who Owes You Borrowed Money? - We all have a good heart... So, usually, we've become the bank for someone! Who owes you money, that you could get back? "Hey, remember the $____ I lent you, I need to make an important purchase, how soon can we return that money to me so I can use it?" -or- "Can you remind me when you were going to pay me back? I have a purchase I want to make tomorrow." -or- "Hey, I was wondering if we can setup a payment plan for the funds I let you borrow? When can we start that?"

#16: Who Might Gift You Money, to Pitch In? - When people like you are committed, a lot of times there are people who will invest in you to help you get what you want. So: Who wants you to succeed, and be happy? Do you have any family that know how much you want this dream, or see how much you're struggling, to see if they will support you with this? Is there someone who would help sponsor you?

An Idea From A Past Team Member: There’s a difference between asking someone for money and asking someone to support you with a solution you've found. It’s much more empowered and confident to say, “I’ve found a solution and I know it will help me. Will you support me?” vs. “I really need help, can you please give me some money?" Saying things like "I think this might help me” leaves room for doubt. But "I finally found exactly what I need to get away from this person and build my dream life, could you support me somehow?"

#17: Sell your engagement ring! (Or other jewelry) Many of us have agreed that while jewelry looks nice, it doesn't help us build our dream life, or protect our kids. Feel free to explore selling jewelry to raise funds for your freedom. I sold my $15,000 engagement ring for $10,000 (cash) on Facebook's 'Marketplace' and then I used it to enroll in a coaching program so I could get help to build my dream: it worked!

#18: Child Support, Alimony, or Spousal Support.

1. Some clients were getting these kinds of support, and used that money towards the program.

2. Some clients didn't care to accept these kinds of financial support options, but then they accepted it and used the funds so they could use the money for how it was intended: To help provide a better life to the kids! 

3. Some clients wanted those items but couldn't get them, they joined us, and we've been able to help many clients get their support payments caught up, or, some of them, never got their support payments at all until we helped them do it.

#19: Our Financing Partner - Personal Loan.

Ask your MomShine Advisor about our new 12 and 24 month financing terms that have been made available by our third party finance partner. :)

Want even more ideas? Google always has ideas for this kind of stuff. Set a timer on your phone, to ensure you don't run off on an "accidental YouTube binge" and lose track of time. Some search terms:

-- "Ways to Raise Money"

-- "Ways to Make Money"

-- "Part-time jobs for Extra Money"

-- "Ways to Reduce Expenses"

P.S. Avoid scams!


Disclaimer: This page is not intended to be professional advice (including but not limited to financial, legal, or medical). This is merely a few things that I/we/others have done to help make our dreams happen, even when we didn't think it was possible for us.

By continuing to read this page or implement any of these ideas, you agree to hold yourself accountable to your decisions and agree to hold harmless and indemnify Mandi Rose, MomShine Collective LLC, and all of our team members.

Next Steps:

Disclaimer: MomShine Collective is a personal development, empowerment, and education company. All of MomShine Collective’s 300+ success stories, kind words, wins, and thank you letters are from paid members that purchased our life coaching and education programs which are taught by hand-selected, independent experts, coaches, and consultants. MomShine Collective is not a lawfirm and does not offer or provide any licensed or professional services, legal services, financial services, medical services, nutrition services, or therapy services.

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Copyright © 2023 | MomShine Collective LLC & Dr. Mandi (DACM LAc) | All Rights Reserved.

Avoid the Friend-Zone

Financial Idea #2 Expanded:

"Applying for a New Credit Card"

Step 2: Read My Money-Mindset Beliefs

-- I worked in lending for 3 years, and also took my credit score from 620 to 820. I've read several books on Credit Scores, and have helped many, many people increase their score, and learn how to use debt to THEIR advantage (a.k.a.: The same way smart business owners use debt to create an advantage, or scale their business growth faster. Same idea here, and it's the same thing I do in my coaching practice.)

-- I believe the #1 investment we can make, is ourself.

-- I believe the purpose of money is so we can invest it into things that allow us to build our dream.

-- I believe Money always replenishes (constant paychecks), however Time constantly depletes. 

-- I believe Time is worth more than Money.

-- Get excited about the relief you’re going to feel soon. I don’t mind debt anymore, debt was how America was built. 

-- We commit first, get resourceful second, we invest third, then we grow fourth.

-- Debt is not the enemy, and Interest is not the enemy: The enemy is: Staying stuck, sad, upset, frustrated, and watching the years go by, unfulfilled, full of regret and pain.

-- I don't mind paying "full price" for my success. I care about my progress and living happy, building my story and my dream. Everyone wants the dream, only few are willing to pay for it. In my darkest hours, I became willing to pay for it. (with credit cards)

-- Looking forward to seeing your smiling face soon! I’m committed to finding a path of light for you, if you are committed to walking with me through it.

Step 3: Tips I Used for Increasing My Chances of Being Approved for CC's

Tip #1: When the online application form asked me for my Monthly Housing Payment, I always put "Family" or "Other," and put "$0.00" for it. Even to this day, I've still done that. It seems to maximize my approval amount. (I now have 12 credit cards, none have ever verified Rent.)

Tip #2: When it asked me for my Annual Income, ... even when I was making $20,000 a year, I still put $60,000. (As far as I've been told: We are allowed to put "projected income for the next 12 months" in that Income box.)


Tip #3: I always apply for all possible credit options in the same business day, which seems to have increased my likelihood of being approved by one card, and especially for being approved for multiple cards.

Tip #4: It may ask if my income source is "Employment" versus "Self-Employment." It seems to look better if I put "Employed," even as a self-employed person. They've yet to ask me to verify it, but, I've had a sole prop, before I created an LLC. The way I have it in my head is that my Business Employs Me. If it asks me when I started my business: The first business activity I engaged in was in 2009, so I use that date.

Summary: I would do all applications in the same day, mark my Rent "$0," and income at least 60,000"

Step 4: The Strategy

The Strategy, as I would run it:

Below in the blue section, I have labeled Credit Cards as being in "Tier 1," "Tier 2," or "Tier 3," based on estimated FICO score.

#1: I would first apply for one or two of the "Tier 1" card options (See blue section below).

NOTE: If I was sure that my FICO score was under 620, then I would start at Tier 2, instead of Tier 1.

#2: If I was approved by Tier 1, I may apply for a third card inside the Tier 1 options.

#3: If I was declined by Tier 1, I would apply for one or two "Tier 2" card options.

#4: If I was approved by 2 cards in Tier 2, I may do a third in order to get 2 or 3 total cards approved for.

#5: If I was declined by 2 cards in Tier 2, I may apply for 1 or 2 cards in the "Tier 3" level.

#6: If I was declined by 2 cards in Tier 3, I would apply for PayPal's Credit program. (Information on PayPal Credit is inside Tier 3's section.)

#7: If I was declined by PayPal Credit, I would revisit the "Main Financial Ideas" list at the top of the webpage, to explore other options.

Step 5: Keep In Mind, While Applying

Let me know what each of them say. They should give you an instant decision today. I would follow the above strategy, until we either reach the total that we need, or, see what's approved and work with that.

It may take 7-12 days to receive the actual card in the mail. I am aware of this, and happy to work this out with you.

Step 6: Begin Applying

Table of Contents:

"Tier 1" Options - FICO above about ~720+

"Tier 2" Options - FICO above about ~650+

"Tier 3" Options - FICO around 560-640

"Tier 1" Options - FICO over ~720+


- For those with Good to Great Credit (700+) -

- I personally have used this for purchasing my own coaching programs, and clients have too.

- Recent offer was: "15 months of no interest, and $200 bonus."  (see website for current offer details)

In other words, its like a free, 15-month loan. 

If a small balance is still owed after 15 months, they would start applying interest to it going forward.

(No big deal.)

Read about it, & apply, here:

AmericanExpress BlueCash Card

Success stories: "$70,000 income and $0 rent" with a 750 FICO, approved $8,000


- For those with Good to Great Credit -- Recommended FICO for Approval: 670-850

- I personally have used this for purchasing my own coaching programs, and clients have too.

- Recent offer was: "12 months of no interest, and $50 bonus."  (see website for current offer details)

In other words, its a free, 1-year loan. 

If a small balance is still owed after a year, they would start applying interest to it going forward.

(No big deal.)

Read about it, & apply, here:

Discover It Card

Success stories: "$70,000 income and $0 rent" with a 750 FICO, approved $2,500.


- Recommended 670-850 FICO

- I personally have a Citibank credit card, but not this one.

- Recent offer was: "12 months of no interest." (see website for current offer details)

In other words, its like a free, 12-month loan, which makes it out to about $388 a month payment.

Read about it, & apply, here:


"Tier 2" Options - FICO over ~650+

-- Sometimes cards have an annual fee. Sometimes that's around $39. 

(That's not a big price to pay, to have a company financially back a coaching program for us. I've have some cards that have had annual fees, its not necessarily a bad thing. Just keep an eye on it while researching, so you are aware of it.)

BLISPAY (Tier 2)

- For those with Okay to Great Credit (640+) -

- I know other coaches personally who recommend BlisPay for clients to pay for their coaching program enrollments. I personally haven't used it.

- Pay using BlisPay, and they'll setup a simple payment plan for you.

Read about it, & apply, here:


I use this website to research more cards in the "middle" tier:


Credit Recommended (670-850)

Try the:

"Wells Fargo Platinum Visa Card"


$0 Annual Fee.

0% for 18 months on qualifying balance transfers

Credit Recommended (670-850)

Try the:

"CapitalOne QuickSilver Card"


Link broken? Try: https://www.capitalone.com/credit-cards/quicksilver/

$0 Annual Fee.

Intro Offer: 0% intro on balance transfers for 15 months, $150 bonus after spending $500 on purchases within 3 months from account opening.

"Tier 3" Options - FICO around 550-640

I use this website to research cards:


No Dice? Try PayPal Credit :)


- I personally have used this for purchasing my own coaching programs, and clients have too.

- Recent offer was: 6 months of no interest, might require minimum payments. (see website for more updated details)

Even if they approve a small amount, we can figure something out!

Read about it, & apply, here:
